Who Node validators are?

Who Node validators are?

Node validation is a critical element of many cryptocurrency networks, allowing them to maintain the security and integrity of their blockchain. Essentially, nodes are computers that store an identical copy of the blockchain and verify transactions when they are broadcasted to the network. This process is known as node validation.

The primary benefit of node validation is that it safeguards against malicious manipulation of the blockchain or fraudulent activities carried out by any single entity. Through this decentralized verification system, no one can control the entire network or censor its use.

There are a few different techniques for implementing node validation in cryptocurrency networks. For example, Bitcoin utilizes a proof-of-work (PoW) system which requires nodes to solve complex mathematical puzzles in order to validate transactions. On the other hand, Ethereum uses a proof-of-stake (PoS) system whereby nodes are chosen based on the number of tokens they possess in order to validate transactions.

Although there may be minor deviations between specific implementations, all share the same goal: ensuring that only valid transactions are added to their blockchain while preventing any single actor from dominating or censoring its use. Node validation thus plays an essential role in preserving the security and decentralization of cryptocurrency networks -- two integral features which help distinguish this technology from traditional financial systems.